Not too good an idea (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

TeWe, (vor 9082 Tagen) @ Marco N.

I am a french barefooter and I'd like to come this summer in Berlin for the loveparade.I'd like to meet some others barefooters at these occasion.Who are interested by going barefoot in the loveparade too?

je ne pense pas que c'est une bonne idée, parce qu'il ya trop de gens pour aller pieds-nus. Les gens vont... ah, my French fails me here and I will go on in English. People are going to step on your toes quite often, so I think it is really better to wear shoes when you go to the Love Parade, and maybe occasionally take them off when you happen to be in a place where there is not such a crowd (which is going to be difficult ;-)

Moi je ne pense pas non plus que cela soit une bonne idée. On voit parfois sur la Love Parade des gens qui sont pieds nus, mais à mon avis c'est un peu dangereux car il y a partout des bouteilles cassées.

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