?úber mich (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

Ioram Melcer @, (vor 9508 Tagen) @ Mig(uela)

I found your site by chance. I read German (more or less) but I write on English.
I found Miguela's description very interesting. My tolerance to cold is good, down to 10C, but I don't live in Germany. I have been 100% barefoot for 10 years now, since 1989, and I have even travelled barefoot to many places. It seems that somehow people in Germany and Austria, and also in Holland and Scandinavia especially love to spend barefoot summers. I haven't been to ALL these places, but that's the impression I get.
One thing I wanted to say is about glass. I have discovered that though I have been cut, it's very rare now. It seems I have developed a sort of sixth-sense for knowing when glass is around.
I'd love to hear from people around here who can write English (of some sort...).


PS - I have seen pictures (a lot of them) of barefoot people in Vienna. Is it such a barefooting paradise?

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