Could I write in english? (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

Chiara @, (vor 9147 Tagen) @ Timu

Hallo Timu!

Well, in Italy barefooting is not common, but it's really no problem too. I think italians are less free about barefooting and especially FKK than german speaking people, but they are quite "relaxed"... We walked with very dirty soles in every kind of places and situations and we NEVER had any hassles. I think limits and taboos are in our minds at all.


Hallo !

Could you give me some info about very good places - in Germany and
other countries in northern europe - for barefooting and naturism?

I can't tell you about naturism, but barefooting in Germany is normaly no problem, especial during the hot time in summer, Germany seems to be quite barefoot-friendly... depending on the palce you go, barefooting is more or less common, in some Cities, especialy in the university-towns or in the bigger cities, you might see quite a few barefooters during summer, while in other places it might be uncommon to walk barefoot, but you just will get some odd looks from people, but no real problems.
Can you tell us something about Italy? How common are barefooters in Italy?
If you ant to know more about barefooting in other countries in northern Germany, you might be interesstet in this site:

Next summer we will be there! Thank you.

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