Hallo aus Frankreich ! (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

Cavannus @, (vor 9141 Tagen)

Hallo aus Frankreich !
I am a french barefooter (from Paris), and in my heterogenous site (« http://www.multimania.com/cavannus »), I have made a page to encourage people to walk barefoot if they don't dare (in France, it is not very common to do it in the streets, and nobody may do it in the school, at work,...).
My site is still new, so I am looking for accounts and photos from real barefooters (pictures to tell readers : look ! follow us !). If it interests you, you may send me your text or your photos (while telling me if I can add your e-mail adress). Bitte in englisch oder französisch, weil deutsch zu schwierig für mich ist !
Danke schön !

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