Mut/Erfolg - Barbara = Burkhard (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

english observer, (vor 8993 Tagen) @ holzauge

I am an english barefooter, and I read the "forum" (and other german BF forums) from time to time, to help my german reading skils (please excuse me for writing in English - I know that many of you are better linguists than me.

I just wanted to say that "burkhard" - whoever he or she is - is a pain in the neck. It is interesting that contributions to the forum are now almost entirely written by men, and that whenever women join in, they get put off by the bizarre responses from this obviously deranged individual. (And I gather that he bombards female contributors with individual emails too.

Burkhardt - you have my deepest sympathies, but why not seek help - a good psychotherapist might do you some good - rather than spoiling other people's pleasure?

Yours ever

An observer from England

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