Could I write in english? (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

Chiara @, (vor 9151 Tagen) @ Timu

You're right, but people who lives in the north wants to enjoy and lives shorter summer more intensely.
I like to go barefoot in the city and in nature. I got my dirtiest feet after a long time in the subway.
I love bare feet since when I was a child. I think barefooting is in my own DNA!




I think italians are less free about barefooting and especially FKK >than german speaking people, but they are quite "relaxed"

But I would say, that you have more oppertunities to be barefoot in Italy that in northern Germany, were I live and the weather is just quite a short period of time barefoot-friendly.

We walked with very dirty soles in every kind of places and >situations and we NEVER had any hassles.

Why not tell us about some of your barefoot activities?
Were do you like most to go barefoot and were do you get you soles the dirtiest? How did you get started to go barefoot?

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