Schuhträger: Leute vom Mond? (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)

Guenther, (vor 6552 Tagen) @ Michael aus Zofingen

Hallo Michael!

Dieser Beitrag erinnert mich an eine hübsche Stelle aus den Erzählungen von Mark Twain über Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Fin, wo ein Neuankömmling beschrieben wird und die Tatsache, daß er Schuhe trägt, auch zu seiner "Desozialisierung" beiträgt (Quelle:

A stranger was before him -- a boy a shade larger than himself. A new-comer of any age or either sex was an impressive curiosity in the poor little shabby village of St. Petersburg. This boy was well dressed, too -- well dressed on a week-day. This was simply astounding. His cap was a dainty thing, his close- buttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty, and so were his pantaloons. HE HAD SHOES ON -- AND IT WAS ONLY FRIDAY. He even wore a necktie, a bright bit of ribbon. He had a citified air about him that ate into Tom's vitals.

Gruß, Guenther

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