Barfuss in Cologne (Hobby? Barfuß! 2)
Hello I have to come in Cologne ( Koeln) in one month.Do you think it's a good place to go barefoot? Is it a barefoot frinendly place?Thanks a lot for your answers.Jim.
Hello I have to come in Cologne ( Koeln) in one month.Do you think it's a good place to go barefoot? Is it a barefoot frinendly place?Thanks a lot for your answers.Jim.
Hello I have to come in Cologne ( Koeln) in one month.Do you think it's a good place to go barefoot? Is it a barefoot frinendly place?
In April, it can be relatively cold in Köln, but if you're lucky, it will be around 15°C or even more. So, you won't get your feet burned on the pavement :)
Judging from my ex-periences in the summer, barefooting is not a problem. There might be one or the other with a nasty comment, but most people ignore it. There are not many barefooters in Köln even on hot summer days; and in April, you will rarely see anyone else without shoes in the city.
Enjoy your visit ;)